Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 9 of New Results

Tons of stuff in the mail today!

 As promised, Nautica sent me a keychain.  It's floaty!  Thanks Nautica!

 AES surprised me with 2 keychains.  Too bad they couldn't skim off some of my student loan debt while they were at it ;-).  Thanks AES!

 Aidells sent me two coupons for free stuff.  Awesome!  I don't know how my dad got into the letter, but whatever.  Thanks Aidells!

 Purina sent me some great coupons that our cat will enjoy.  Thanks Purina!

Hebrew National:
It probably cost them as much to mail the coupon as the coupon is worth.  Ah well, I appreciate it anyway.  Thanks Hebrew National!

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