Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Another Email

Dutch Blitz:
Hello Hamilton,
Thank you for your interest in Dutch Blitz.
I’m sorry but we don’t have any giveaways, including key chains.  I hope this doesn’t diminish your feelings for our wonderful game.
Mike Fisher

Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Email

No keychain package, just an Amazon order, but I got another email from Simple Human, I guess it's making its rounds.

Simple Human:
Hi Hamilton!
Thanks so much for contacting us. We'd love to add to your collection. We don't have keychains but hopefully you'll enjoy having a simplehuman USB chain, which can be attached to your collection. Please let us know if/when you have received your package. We are happy to help!
Mia Fields | simplehuman
19801 S. Vermont Ave. | Torrance CA 90502
mfields@simplehuman.com | 310-436-2306

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Suspense is Killing Me

A package was delivered a couple days ago but the front desk is closed until tomorrow so I have to wait until then to see what it is.  Maybe it's some other delivery, but it seems likely that it is another keychain experiment goody.

I also got another email from High Voltage Software.  Looks like my email was forwarded on specifically to the Conduit team as well.

High Voltage Software:
Hi Hamilton,
Thanks for your email.  We love to hear from our fans here at High Voltage and we LOVE your keychain collection.  We’re going to scrounge around the studio and see if we can get you a couple to add to your collection (we want to be a part of a world record).
Thanks again for the comments and we look forward to hearing your feedback on Conduit 2. 
Team High Voltage